I would've never guessed that another superb video game would get proper set of action figures, but Bandai made it happen once again! Despite the fact that MRS figure are considered "trading" in Japan, sold by cases with same inner packaging to hide the identity of the figure you buy, they easily surpass all domestic 3.75" lines like Star Wars, GI Joe, etc.
The articulation of MRS figures is superb even though the male figures sport some very fancy and clunky armor. Even the finer lines like Mobile Suit in Action suffered from waist armor limiting the hip movement, but MRS do surprisingly well for having full tassets instead of just small skirt armor. Knees and elbows sport double-hinge joints allowing for human range of movement; wrists, upper arms, and thighs all come with a swivel joint to further the degrees of motion; and last but not least- head, hips, feet have ball joints and shoulder fancy double-ball joints for an extreme range of movement for a 8-10$ figure.
The base looks good, but what about accessories and weapons? Depending on how anal you are about matching your game gear to figures, MRS may impress or slightly disappoint you. Weapons range from mediocre to highest end, but end up as an overall impressive set. 2 long swords, 2 great swords, 1 sword and shield, 2 dual swords, 1 hammer, 1 hunting horn, 1 lance, 1 gunlance, 1 bow with a quiver, 1 light and 1 heavy bowguns. Some of the joke accessories include barrels (1 with a felyne), well-done (or "burnt" in my case) steak, a felyne mask, and a hunting horn. Very decent selection indeed down to the extra accessories. Some weapons come with little pegs to help the figures hold them thus each figure comes with sloted and non-slotted pairs of hands.
Considering the general lack of good game figures and rather disappointing 3.75" US lines, Motion Revive Series should definitely hit the spot despite the importing costs. Mine came out to be 75 shipped for a case of 8 (a full set of these figures) which isn't too bad on all accounts. There are 2 available sets today and the only differences are figure recolors and weapon colors or lack there of(in my case).
More images here:
http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq249/skv0124/MiscFigs/MHF_MR_Rathalos1.jpg #1-9
http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq249/skv0124/MiscFigs/MHF_MR_Velprey1.jpg #1-9
http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq249/skv0124/MiscFigs/MHF_MR_Kirin1.jpg #1-3