Friday, December 11, 2009

Flowlights- The REAL Photoshop At Your Disposal

So after getting into raving a few months ago I've been looking for weapons of choice and ended up on the path that probably half the community ends up taking- flowlights.

What are they? 3-LED, 10 light mode plastic sticks that run on a simple AAA battery.

Come in all sorts of flavors and with a little soldering, nothing is stopping one from making a custom rig. Also, at the very least the soft cases shown above are HIGHLY recommended for beginners and experts alike.


And what can be done with these? Thats purely in the hands of your dancing and artistic senses.


These can be purchased from number of sites such as the home site or

Hybrid rechargeable batteries are highly recommended- pre-charged duracells in plastic blister, sanyo eneloop, rayovac hybrid. 2 sets per pair of flows will allow safe charging of one set while the other is in use. With proper care, the AAAs should last 2-3 years so avoid cheap 15 minute chargers and anything with radio shack logo on it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kyosho Mini-Z MR-03 w/ Makers RX-7 Unboxing and Setup

Finally got my hands on this lovely piece, so here we go:

Now for the first setup and the reason I got 03 in the first place- Skyline GT-R 1970

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mini-Z Are Going Offroad

Thought I'd share my recent collection additions with an appropriate setting. Ford, Subaru, and Mitsubishi duking it out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mini-Z Painting & Detailing Hints and Tips

After doing miniatures, model kits, and various other paint jobs I've concluded that the RC bodies are the most demanding, but the right tools will yield a superb and durable finish. I'll make this brief and cut straight to the chase.

Tamiya acrylics tend to get rubbed and beat off of the Z bodies quite easily and will require frequent touch-ups, but are fairly easy to work with. Testors enamels surpass the oversea brother, but can end up too thick when sprayed on if the painter is a little careless or trigger happy. Both of these can be removed with simple acrylic or enamel thinners and some rubbing. Now, Testors Pactra Polycarbonate Coating sprays on in thin layers, yields very even and consistent finish, can withstand quite a beating and cannot be removed with some simple thinner. Furthermore, the ideal finish can be achieved with only 1 to 1.5 coats and up to 3 coats of paint will retain all of the details beneath them. If you mess up you have room for a primer and a recolor coat without endangering the finish.

Pactra Candy Purple and Testors Gold Enamel details

Whats the next step to completing your masterpiece? The details and trims. The weapons of choice now are:

Testors Enamel Paint Markers with user-trimmed tips prior to use that will ensure precision and control;

Micron archival ink pens because not only do they come in 0.2mm tip variety, but can withstand a glosscoat laquer easily unlike their competitors.

I've tested(from bottom to top) Micron, Sharpie, and Gundam Marker on top of white Pactra layer and topped with Testors Glosscoat with the following result-

So there you have it folks, for a clean, durable and professional RC body finish your friends are Pactra spray cans, Micron markers, and Testors enamel paint markers. Happy painting!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monster Hunter Freedom Motion Revive Series action figures

I would've never guessed that another superb video game would get proper set of action figures, but Bandai made it happen once again! Despite the fact that MRS figure are considered "trading" in Japan, sold by cases with same inner packaging to hide the identity of the figure you buy, they easily surpass all domestic 3.75" lines like Star Wars, GI Joe, etc.

The articulation of MRS figures is superb even though the male figures sport some very fancy and clunky armor. Even the finer lines like Mobile Suit in Action suffered from waist armor limiting the hip movement, but MRS do surprisingly well for having full tassets instead of just small skirt armor. Knees and elbows sport double-hinge joints allowing for human range of movement; wrists, upper arms, and thighs all come with a swivel joint to further the degrees of motion; and last but not least- head, hips, feet have ball joints and shoulder fancy double-ball joints for an extreme range of movement for a 8-10$ figure.

The base looks good, but what about accessories and weapons? Depending on how anal you are about matching your game gear to figures, MRS may impress or slightly disappoint you. Weapons range from mediocre to highest end, but end up as an overall impressive set. 2 long swords, 2 great swords, 1 sword and shield, 2 dual swords, 1 hammer, 1 hunting horn, 1 lance, 1 gunlance, 1 bow with a quiver, 1 light and 1 heavy bowguns. Some of the joke accessories include barrels (1 with a felyne), well-done (or "burnt" in my case) steak, a felyne mask, and a hunting horn. Very decent selection indeed down to the extra accessories. Some weapons come with little pegs to help the figures hold them thus each figure comes with sloted and non-slotted pairs of hands.

Considering the general lack of good game figures and rather disappointing 3.75" US lines, Motion Revive Series should definitely hit the spot despite the importing costs. Mine came out to be 75 shipped for a case of 8 (a full set of these figures) which isn't too bad on all accounts. There are 2 available sets today and the only differences are figure recolors and weapon colors or lack there of(in my case).

More images here: #1-9 #1-9 #1-3

Saturday, May 23, 2009

THE set of upgrades for Xmod Evo to steer it clear of trashcan.

Yes, 2.4 ghz radio thats in most cordless home phones and routers. Why? Any xmod owner should know how junky they are out of the box even for some home fun, but this upgrades makes it a semi-hobby grade RC.

Is JUST the radio enough? No because the chassis itself is far from flawless, so #2 on the list are GPM Adjustable Knuckles vs GPM's regular junky looking and working, 3-screw knuckles:


Now we have 0 wheel wobble and car is actually drivable on RCP track or anywhere else at high speeds, but is this enough? Not just yet.

Last upgrade- shaving the wheel pegs to fit Kyosho Mini-Z MA-010 rims.


And now the Xmod is complete. Drives very similar to a Mini-Z or any other quality RC. Can have different offset wheels to accommodate different bodies without looking funky. Has actually round, quality wheels and doesn't have to use xmod tires that are getting harder to come by. Lastly, can easily accept a drift tire kit for some slipping and sliding without buying an xmod-specific 15$ kit.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Airbrush Celebration- Universal 1/28 RC Body Rotating Stand

Using nothing other than Legos. Stand rotates via rod that doesn't interfere with painting process. Holds any Mini-Z, Xmod, or even 1/24 model kit bodies without any additional modifications or alterations. For Mini-Z bodies, stand accommodates for glued-in side clips.